Why Conduct A Comprehensive
Trademark Search

Save Your Money

Avoid trademark conflicts after filing your trademark application. Saves time and money.

Feel Confident

Make an informed decision after analyzing your search report.

Avoid Being Sued

Protect yourself from lawsuits by not accidentally copying someones mark.

How It Works?

1. Fill out a simple form

Sign up by filling out our simple trademark registration and search form with the relevant questions.

2. We begin the search

Our legal team will review and search your mark based on the package you choose.

3. Recieve search report

We'll send you a trademark search report and help you analyze the results.

Fill out our simple form with relevant queries related to your trademark.
Trademark Search

Search of pending, active, and inactive federal trademarks to uncover potential conflicts

Linked classes

Search trademarks in related classes of products (goods) and services

Ranked results

Search results ranked using statistical analysis

Federal, State,
and Common
Law Search
Everything from Federal Search plus:
Business/Corporate names

Search of more than 20 million Secretary of State filings for identical or similar names

State trademarks

Search of state registered trademarks using statistical analysis

Common law trademarks

Search of common law trademarks being used online and on social media networks

Internet domain names

Search of identical and very similar internet domain name registrations

Search of identical and very similar internet domain name registrations
International search

Search of pending applications (where available), and registered international trademarks including:

The United Kingdom
The European community
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

All Packages Include

No Hidden Costs Or Fees

We're Affordable

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Best Trademark Search Platform

Simple Process

Unlimited Customer Service


Why Thousands of Small Business Owners Choose Trademark Origin


Flat-rate Fees

Our fees are fixed and very affordable as per the industry standards without any compromise in our work.


Asked Questions

Not necessarily. In some cases, someone may have "common law" trademark rights simply by being the first to use a trademark in commerce—neither federal nor state registration is required for common law rights. Someone with common law rights can challenge your use or registration of your trademark. For these reasons, it's a good idea to check beyond state and federal registries, such as registered corporate names and use on the internet. These are included in both the International and Federal, State, and Common Law packages.

A trademark search is essential as it uncovers marks that are similar to your trademark and used with related products or services. A trademark that is similar to yours and used with related products or services will block your trademark from being registered because it creates a likelihood of confusion. Doing a search before you file your application can help avoid expensive errors. The USPTO does not guarantee registration. They approve or reject new applications on a case-by-case basis. Once an application is filed, no changes are permitted. The USPTO will not refund fees for rejected applications.

Currently, we are offering three different types of comprehensive trademark searches for our customers. A federal trademark search, common law trademark search and global trademark search.

In such cases, you will be eligible to modify your mark to avoid any conflicts during the trademark registration process.


What Our Clients Say

Our trademark registration service was designed specifically to help you register your brand as easily, efficiently, and affordably as possible. With a knowledgeable team comprised of trademark filing specialists, we are able to help you with every step of the trademark registration process — no matter where your business is located or what industry it might be in.

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